Hello Readers!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week. I often get asked the question of renovations. No home is perfect and we always find something that we want spruced up to better fit our taste. Whether it be the floors, the ceiling or the colour of the walls. If you find a home that is close enough to your dream home there is nothing stoping you from making those tiny changes to complete it's look and make it that much more personal.
Here are some tricks and tips for changing your renovation mindset as you’re looking at houses.
Don’t get distracted by cosmetic issues: cabinets can be fixed and updated, lighting can be changed and walls can always be repainted
Find your inner handy man: we all have those do-it-yourself skills somewhere within us, consider a free workshop, or seek out online tutorials.
Concentrate on the big-picture items: Is the home structurally sound? Does it need a new roof or windows? how is the electrical work, how is the plumbing? A home inspection is the best advice I can give you to ensure those key factors are up to date and running smoothly.
Make a timely and realistic plan: prioritize projects based on need, cost and time. What is a must and what is a would like? If you would like the basement painted a different colour that can change over time, if the sink or tiles need to be fixed that is a priority. Know the difference, it will not only save you a headache but time and money as well.
All and All, enjoy the process. Turn to your Realtor and a trusted home inspector for expert advice, then have fun making your new house your dream home in every little way possible!
For more tips or advice feel free to call me at 780 9190201
Your friendly neighbourhood Realtor,
Krystyna Bee