June 2013 RSS Feed
Edmonton Real Estate Market
7783 properties and total residential Sales this month as of June4/2013 is 40, we have 95 new listings.
The second quater of the year is th most active time of the year for real estate sales. Both Buyers and the sellers would like to complete the transactions before school starts in September. About 33% of annual sales happen in April, May and June. May statistic comming up..
Attractions and Festivals in Edmonton
Summer in Edmonton is full of attractions and events, June1-8 it's Environment Week, learn how you can reduce your carbon footprints and make Edmonton more sustainable.
June3-7 Senior's Week Tour & Tea, Location Legislature 10800 97 Ave. It's a chance to reminisce, hear stories of a man and woman who founded our province. Tea and light refreshments served.
June 6-16 Next Generation Arts Festival location Roxy Theatre and various other locations on 124 Street
it's 11-day celebration of the artistic voice of the next generation